Once upon a time, our bodies knew exactly what fuel it needed to sustain us. It knew when we were hungry and when we were full, and so we just ate.
There were no rules, no good or bad foods. We just intuitively craved the nutrition we needed, and any food choice that made our body feel good was a beautiful one.
Once upon a time, our bodies moved for the sake of movement, however that looked given our physical abilities. Movement was a source of joy, exhilaration, strength, endurance, community, and possibility.
There was no exercising to manipulate our body size. No movement needed to earn more calories. Once upon a time, movement was not intended as a form of punishment for “bad” food choices.
Somewhere along the way… diet culture disrupted our natural relationship with food. But thankfully, we can restore it.
In fact, rediscovering the intuitive knowledge and power of your body is not only possible, it’s one click away.
You deserve a life full of love, laughter, connection, and play. And the world deserves to experience all of YOU… the you that will be freed to do more of whatever it is that you love when you’re not so preoccupied with unhelpful thoughts about food.
It’s time for you to accept that you are not that voice in your head. The one that’s stressing about what’s allowed for dinner or bullying you for whatever delicious thing you just chose to eat.
You are an artist. You’re an activist. A friend. You’re family. You’re a thinker. A truth-seeker. You are an absolutely incredible human being…
And yet, something is off. Yes, you experience so much abundance and alignment in your life. But for some reason, the struggles you have with food and with your body just won’t go away.
This is the ONE area where you feel so disconnected — from your values, from your desires, from your truth.
The good news is, your body holds the powerful truth that you seek.
In my signature program, the Embodied Method, you will take a profound 4-month journey and heal your relationship with food and your body.
As you learn my spiritual framework for Intuitive Eating, you’ll rediscover the innate power and wisdom of your body… and you’ll learn to honor it, in all areas of your life, but most importantly for you right now… with food and movement.
Before you know it, you’ll manifest a life of complete alignment, embodied by your values and your truth.
The work involved with unraveling years of conditioning in diet culture is deeply spiritual work. We need to get out of our heads and back into nature, and learning to show gratitude for our physical form is appreciation and admiration for nature.
Diet culture has you living “shoulders up”… all in your mind. It has you stressing about meal plans and counting calories, points, or macros. Diet culture has you exercising to earn more food.
Diet culture keeps you in your head and in the dark… with your innate wisdom and power hidden from you.
This is what you will learn to say goodbye to with the Embodied Method. In this program, I will help you drop into the territory below the shoulders… into your body.
This experience of dropping into the body and using the body’s innate wisdom to govern how you eat and live is a homecoming of sorts. I say homecoming because really everyone was born in touch with their body and their cues but over time, diet culture eroded your ability to hear the cues. When you learn to drop into your body and live in alignment with your cues, you will have a visceral knowing that you are back home, back to living in your body instead of in your head.
The spiritual approach to Intuitive Eating that you’ll learn in the Embodied Method will help you get back to that beautiful, peaceful, aligned state.
And this process of coming home to your body and experiencing the wealth of wisdom that your vessel has to offer is nothing short of magic.
You were not born obsessing about calories or thinking about foods in terms of “good” and “bad.” Before you can return to that state of being, and in order to create deep, sustainable healing, you need to honor what happened from the time when you were blissfully existing with food, completely in the dark to all the harm of diet culture, to now. Unpacking each chapter of your complex history is the first step to healing your relationship with food.
If you’ve been trying to become an intuitive eater on your own — reading the books, consuming content on IG, listening to podcasts — and not having success, it’s probably related o a lack of mindset tools. Without mindset work, any intuitive eating knowledge you gain is undermined because your brain is still wired with a diet mentality. In this pillar, you’ll learn to rewire your neural pathways and undo the deeply embedded diet mindset you’ve inherited over the years.
This pillar is, in a sense, the “meat” of the program, where you learn how to implement intuitive eating in your day-to-day life, harnessing your intuition to govern your eating behaviors. You’ll learn how to communicate with your body in a new way, re-establishing the trust you need to know that your intuition won’t lead you astray. You’ll also learn how to understand the language of your body — how to decipher nuanced levels of hunger and fullness and cues for micro and macronutrients.
Contrary to common misconceptions, Intuitive Eating is not just eating whatever you want. It is also about utilizing objective nutrition science to optimize how you want to feel in your body. Here you’ll learn easy-to-understand nutrition science so you can honor your body with gentle nutrition. Importantly, this is NOT like any nutrition education you’ve likely received before. This is objective, shame free nutrition information designed to equip you with the tools you need to honor your body. This step comes AFTER you reject diet mentality to ensure you’re ready to approach nutrition from a place of self-care, not self-control.
Think of this pillar as “cross-training” for intuitive eating. The same way that a swimmer might do land workouts to enhance their swimming skills, I suggest tapping into your intuition in other aspects of your life- such as movement, relationships, and work- to enhance intuitive eating tools. This helps the muscle of dropping into your body become strong and very reflexive, in all areas of life and with food.
You can’t talk about healing your relationship with food without talking about body image since, so often, our disordered relationship with food stems from an attempt to manipulate the size or shape of our body. Though this is not an official pillar of my method, body image work is integrated throughout the entire process. We will unpack your body image timeline and work to develop deep rooted confidence… not the kind of superficial confidence that comes from your physical appearance. My approach to body image is trauma-informed and both honors the grief that can come with body changes while also helping you to understand your underlying core beliefs and desires. You won’t be told to just “say a positive affirmation about your body,” as I find this approach to be invalidating at best and harmful at worst. Rather, you’ll walk away with a deep sense of self-knowing– your values, your gifts, your magic– and the tools to work through distressful body image moments without falling down the highly disruptive shame spiral.
I’ve gained space in my life for personal healing and growth. I’ve gained self-compassion, body confidence, and most importantly, I trust myself and my decisions. This experience was life-changing, and I cannot thank Leah enough for her guidance, commitment, encouragement, patience, and support. If you’re thinking about working with Leah, as long as you are ready to dive deep and be vulnerable, it will truly be worth the investment and the experience.
I am so happy to say that my relationship with food has gotten so much better — I eat for the way I want to feel in my body and don’t feel guilty. This program is so much more than just food though, I went back and reworked thought patterns, explored body image, and so much more. The quality of my life has just soared. I have so much more energy for school and my friends and I’m living in a way that feels authentic to me.
I recognize the difference between emotions and true hunger. My mood has stabilized. My relationships have improved. My blood pressure dropped to teenage levels. If you’re thinking about joining this program, know that the twisting tortuous path of dieting and binging can be behind you. This will truly be the last purchase you ever make.
In our work together, Leah was by my side every step of the way. It was like I had someone in my corner 24/7, even if it was just a message. She takes time and intention to understand what you are needing so she can customize the experience. I have had nothing but incredible experiences throughout working with Leah. My perspective and opinion of myself have improved drastically and my life has just gotten better since being in this program. Thank you Leah for changing my life!
I can proudly say that working with Leah gave me my life back- a life of fulfillment, a life of blocking out the noise of diet culture around me, a life connected to myself and the world- one that graciously begins when we acknowledge the beauty and strength of our bodies. What Leah brings is a beautiful, kind, knowledgeable, wise, and grounding presence- energy unlike any person I have ever worked with.
I was hoping to gain a sense of peace and trust around my relationship with food. Little did I know I would also gain deeper peace and trust in my relationship with myself, my emotions, and my identity. Food has become something I associate with care, nourishment, and enjoyment, rather than an association with anxiety and shame. Nourishment and nutrition are finally simple.
Now, I make my body my priority and trust her to tell me what she needs, when she needs energy and fuel and when she has had enough. There is no more guilt. There is only gratitude.
Not only did I achieve my goals, but I also achieved goals I didn’t even know I had. I have such a better, more stable relationship with food and body than I’ve ever had in my entire life. Ironically, intuitive eating itself is quite easy, possibly the easiest thing ever, because you’re just listening to yourself. Learning how to listen to yourself is the hard part, and Leah really helped me tap into that. And unlike past diets, I didn’t leave the program worrying I’d “backslide” the way I would during past attempts at diet/lifestyle change. There’s no backsliding here – once you tap into your intuition for food, it’s like an unstoppable force.
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