February 5, 2025• byleahk

For the next few month’s, Emma will be interning at Leah Kern Nutrition to gain experience in the private practice world and to learn more about being an Intuitive Eating Dietitian.
During her time at LKN, Emma will be guest writing some blogposts and helping with other behind the scenes tasks.
We’re so excited to have you, Emma!
With out further ado, meet Emma.
Name, where you’re from, and where you’re currently going to school
Hi all! My name is Emma Gear. I am from York, Maine and am currently studying Nutrition and Food Science with a concentration in dietetics at the University of Vermont.
What inspired you to want to pursue a career path as a dietitian?
I can’t say there was one defining moment that inspired me to pursue dietetics, but there were certainly influences along the way. My Fundamentals of Nutrition class sparked my interest in all things dietetics. While learning about food groups and nutrition math was interesting, what truly captivated me was hearing about intuitive eating, diet culture, and Health at Every Size (HAES). Coming from a small town where these concepts were rarely discussed, it felt groundbreaking—and my little first-year self was immediately inspired!
In addition to this, I spent my four years of high school doing a lot of running between cross country, winter/spring track, and summer training, I was putting in nearly 50 miles a week as a growing teenager. While I wouldn’t trade my high school running experience for anything, I now realize how valuable proper nutrition guidance would have been—especially for a female athlete doing high levels of exercise. Since I didn’t have that support, I hope to be that person for others someday.
How did you get interested in intuitive eating and HAES?
I was first introduced to intuitive eating and HAES in my Fundamentals of Nutrition class by Dr. Lizzy Pope. Before then, I had never heard of these concepts, but after I just scraped the surface, I wanted to learn more. I later took a four-week intuitive eating course offered by my university, which was open to anyone. That experience gave me the confidence to start practicing intuitive eating myself and even educate others about it.
What do you see yourself doing in your future career as an RD?
As an RD, I see myself exploring a wide variety of opportunities. Right now, I’m most interested in either nutrition education or working in a clinical setting. This kind of goes back to wishing I had more proper nutrition education when I was growing up which is such a vital time to prioritize properly fueling your body.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
In my free time, I enjoy running, skiing, crafting, and sending my Nana cards. When I’m home for the summer, I spend most of my time swimming and boating, which has always been a favorite pastime of mine. I’m also raising a service dog in training, which keeps me busy! I’ve done this once before, and after having to say goodbye to my first pup, I told myself I’d never do it again… yet here I am! Despite the challenges, I truly love it—it’s such rewarding work. All these things also work as great stress relievers for me, which really comes in handy as a college student!
What are some things that make your heart happy?
All of the hobbies I’ve mentioned bring me joy, but above all, I find happiness in spending time with the people (and pets) I love. I prioritize my friends and family because they are such an important pillar in my life. And, of course, good food makes me really happy—there’s nothing better to me than sharing a great meal with the people who matter most.
Your favorite part about the anti-diet/ intuitive eating approach to nutrition?
My favorite part of the anti-diet and intuitive eating approach to nutrition is how inclusive it is. In today’s world, we’re constantly bombarded with messages from social media, peers, and even family members about what we “should” be doing with our health and eating patterns. Intuitive eating allows us to tune all that out and instead tune into our own bodies. By doing so, we can discover what works best for us as individuals and ultimately feel our happiest and most comfortable.